Airy wool blossoms «Sense»

Video tutorial

Elegant, sophisticated, timeless, yet modern - precisely in this style that corresponds to the SENSE trend, Victoria Salomon has designed a table decoration. This decoration is suitable for various occasions and can be created in just a few steps using the wire-based cord «Rauris». Watch Victoria's video to inspire and guide you through the process.


First loop

Depending on the size you want to create the basket, it is recommended to have 1 to 2 meters of wire ready. In the first step, one end of the «Rauris» cord, which has a wire core, is folded into a small loop, and the end is wrapped around the cord as shown in the photo.

Second loop

Now, use the loop created earlier to pull through the next loop. Depending on how big you want the airy basket to be, you'll need to adjust the loop size!

Loop by loop

Wrap the first loop you pulled through the loop several times around it. This creates a solid base and increased stability.

Recognizable structure

Repeat the previous step as many times as needed until you have created a small, airy carpet. Ensure that the loops are made evenly and that the symmetry of the basket is maintained.

Final shaping

In the final step, place a flower vase in the center of the airy looped carpet and bend it into a basket shape. And there you have it, your decorative piece is complete!

Colours and Materials

Farben und Materialien Farben und Materialien

The SENSE Trend's color palette 2 focuses on pastel tones. The use of lavender shades, combined with gray and beige, along with the retention of soft textures, offers numerous design possibilities for timeless and captivating pieces.

For her design, Victoria chose the delicate lavender-colored cord with wire "Rauris". This color is known for its balancing effect and can harmoniously connect cool and warm elements.

By combining it with bellflowers, torch lilies, roses, and grasses, the design stands out beautifully, creating an elegant and soothing atmosphere in any space.



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Designer Victoria Salomon

Victoria Salomon completed her florist training in Halle/Saale and then worked for well-known florist shops before opening her own shop in Halle/Saale.

From 2008 to 2010, Victoria Salomon was nominated “German Flower Fairy”. This nomination made her responsible for representing the profession of floristry and horticulture at public events and in the media. Today, she continues to inspire many with her florist creations.

Francisca Pérez Francisca Pérez

STYLIT products used

Trendbox «SENSE 2»

The trendbox "SENSE 2" includes eight products in a silky silver mood with highlights in nostalgic lavender and green. Victoria used the bolded products from this selection for her piece:

  1. Sheep wool felt «Dreamer»  |  Natural white + white feathers (WE04KB10)
  2. Sheep wool felt «Franzi»  |  Lavender (VI15)
  3. Felt band «Organic» | Natural white (WE04)
  4. Felt band «Organic» | off-white (WE54)
  5. Cord with wire «Dochtfaden Glimmer»  |  Natural white + Silber glitter (WE04LU01)
  6. Cord with wire «Rauris»  |  Lavender (VI15)
  7. Cord with wire «Rauris»  |  Mottled olive green (GU18)
  8. Wool cord «Smartfaden»  |  Light mint green (GU59) 

The trendbox provides you with enough materials for a cohesive SENSE shop design. Use the trend recipe card in the box to create even more pieces in this trend!