Show us your Endless Moments design!

Join @lehnerstylit's #stylitchallenge on social media! We'll come up with a theme and challenge you to share your creation of the theme with Stylit wool. Once the competition starts on the 1st of the month, you'll have 3 weeks to share your creation on the current theme. Upload your photo or video on Facebook or Instagram using the hashtag #stylitchallenge and tag us.

The entry with the most likes per platform wins. In addition, we will also select one post per platform that we particularly liked. This gives a total of four participants the chance to win our #stylitchallenge and €100.00. All winners will be announced on all our online channels.

This is how you can participate!

1. Take photos or film a video.

Show us your autumnal door wreath! The design must contain STYLIT wool and be on the theme of "Endless Moments". The decoration should show late summer vibes that slowly transition into the orange autumn theme. Be creative with your interpretation of "Endless Moments" in autumn and show us what it means to you.

2. Share your design on Facebook or Instagram

Post your photo or video of your design on Instagram or Facebook and show off your design by 22 September 2023. Use the hashtag #stylitchallenge when uploading, and make sure you tag us under the post. Mention other florists in the comments and challenge them too. Follow us on social media, so you don't miss any news about the challenge.

3. Win €100!

The design with the most likes per platform (Facebook and Instagram) will be chosen as the winner on 25 September. Additionally, we are selecting one design per channel, that we particularly liked. There will be two winners on Facebook and one on Instagram. The winners will also be published via our online channels.
Attention! Only one entry per platform is valid for all participants.

Mit Betätigen des Play-Buttons, wird der externe Dienst YouTube gestartet. Pressing the play button starts the external YouTube service.

Woolly inspiration

Let yourself be inspired and see what florists and designers conjure up from our STYLIT wool. We are always surprised by the variety of possible applications and the unusual, creative ideas. Show us what you can come up with with our wool!

Terms and conditions of participation

1. General information

Participation in the competition via the Instagram profile and Facebook profile @lehnerstylit or Lehner Stylit (Isolena Naturfaservliese GmbH, hereinafter referred to as "the Client") is only possible with the inclusion of these conditions of participation. Instagram and Facebook, respectively Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, is not connected with the competition in any way and is not available as a contact person for the competition.

2. Conditions of participation

All natural and legally competent persons over the age of 18 may participate. Participation is only possible within the period stated in the competition description. Participation in the competition is possible once per participant and per platform during the competition period.

3. Win

The winners will be determined after the entry deadline. The legal process is excluded. A change of the prize is excluded. The winners will be notified by us via Instagram or Facebook.


Everyone who submits a feed post with the current requirements (see Instagram or Facebook post) under the hashtag #stylitchallenge on Instagram or Facebook during the specified period will take part in the challenge. The post with the most likes at the end of the respective period, as well as the post that we particularly liked, per platform wins. Non-cash prizes will be sent to the winner at the address provided at the time of entry. Cash prizes will be paid out by crossed cheque or bank transfer. Cash payment of non-cash prizes is not possible. Changes or replacements are also excluded. Winners will be announced and pictured on our online channels.

Note: "Subject to change (see point 6.)".

4. Disclaimer

Users undertake that their posts under the hashtag #stylitchallenge are not illegal, i.e. in particular do not contain insults or false statements of fact or infringe intellectual property rights. If other persons are named or depicted, the user must obtain the corresponding rights of use and dissemination. The client shall not be liable for contributions by users.

5. Data protection

The data entered by the participants to take part in the competition will only be used for processing and handling the competition and will not - apart from publication - be passed on to third parties or used for advertising purposes without the consent of the participants. The participant hereby expressly declares his/her consent to the storage and use of the personal data provided for the above-mentioned purpose.

Further data protection conditions when using our website.

6. Subject to change

The Client reserves the right to change, cancel or prematurely terminate the competition.