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Step by step instructions

Dream bouquet in pink

Experience the magic of the pink dream with our exclusive bouquet from Victoria Salomon. This bouquet combines delicate pink flowers with stylish strips of pink wool felt to create a unique floral work of art. Ideal for special occasions or to bring joy to a loved one. Discover the harmonious combination of colour and texture in this exquisite bouquet.

Materials and colours


Delicate dusky pink


With delicate shades of pink and a touch of romance, our bouquet of flowers from Sheep's wool felt "Klausi" Elegance in every room. The Pink- and Dusky pink colours of the wool felt, combined with the flowers and the Green of the plug-in material, create a harmonious arrangement that makes hearts beat faster.

Whether it's Mother's Day, an anniversary, Valentine's Day or a wedding - this arrangement adds glamour to any occasion. The "Klausi" sheep's wool felt caresses the flowers and gives the bouquet a soft feel and tenderness.

The combination of Pink and Dusky pink The sheep's wool felt "Klausi" brings out the colours of the flowers beautifully and lets every detail shine. The fresh Green The colour of the plug-in material rounds off the overall picture and gives the bouquet a lively touch.

Step by step

Step 1:
A dream in pink

This bouquet of flowers from Victoria Salomon clearly shows its romantic side. The delicate flowers combined with the pink-grey sheep's wool felt "Klausi" make a real dream for Mother's Day.

Dream bouquet 1
Dream bouquet 2
Step 2:
Delicate dusky pink

Victoria has cut the "Klausi" sheep's wool felt into approx. 2 cm thick strips and reinforced them with florist's wire. This allows you to tie the felt into your bouquet and give it the desired shape.

Step 3:
Pure harmony

The two colours of the felt go perfectly with the delicate flowers, such as the various roses. The fresh green of the leaves provides the desired contrast.

Dream bouquet 3
Dream bouquet 4
Step 4:
A bouquet full of love

No matter what occasion this pink bouquet is intended for, the recipient is guaranteed to be delighted. Its delicacy will bring a smile to anyone's face.


Victoria Salomon
Victoria Salomon

Victoria Salomon completed her florist training in Halle/Saale and then worked for well-known florists before opening her own shop in Halle/Saale.

From 2008 to 2010, Victoria Salomon had the responsible task of representing the profession of floristry and horticulture at public events and in the media as the German Flower Fairy. And today she continues to inspire with her creations.

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