Colours and materials
SENSE is a Timeless trendthat runs through the decades and is reinterpreted. With SENSE, we draw on proven values that are reflected in classics from art, literature, music and fashion.
In socially challenging and uncertain times, historical epochs are gaining in importance that as lighter and more carefree are perceived. Even if the past was not always better, it sometimes appears in this light.
At SENSE, luxury is understood as it has been for centuries: customised, handmade and made from the finest materials. SENSE stands for Durable quality beyond short-lived trends and offers reliable consistency in terms of excellence.
Step by step
First loop
Depending on the size of the basket you want to make, it is advisable to have 1 to 2 metres of wire to hand. The first step is to tie one end of the "Rauris" cord, which has a wire in the inner core, into a small loop and wrap the end around the cord as shown in the photo.
Second loop
Now use the previously created loop to pull the next loop through. Depending on how big you want the airy cup to be, you will need to adjust the size of the loop.
Loop after loop
Wrap the first loop that you have pulled through the loop around it several times. This creates a solid foundation and increased stability.
Recognisable loop structure
Repeat the previous step until you have a small, airy carpet. Make sure that the loops are even and that the symmetry of the basket is correct.
Final shaping
In the final step, place a flower vase in the centre of the airy loop rug and bend it into a basket. And your decorative work is finished!
How-to video
Victoria Salomon completed her florist training in Halle/Saale and then worked for well-known florists before opening her own shop in Halle/Saale.
From 2008 to 2010, Victoria Salomon had the responsible task of representing the profession of floristry and horticulture at public events and in the media as the German Flower Fairy. And today she continues to inspire with her creations.